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NOAA's Hydrographic Services Review Panel

Call For Nominations - Process For NOAA'S HSRP Membership

You can review the requirements, criteria and questions for nominees and how to submit it in the Federal Register Notice (FRN), HSRP Membership Solicitation link below. The call for nominations is advertised in the Federal Register, on the HSRP website, and via a broad external solicitation. Federal Register Notice with instructions on how to submit your nomination:

HSRP Member Terms:

The call for nominations is to fill five member slots for a 4 year term with a start date of January 1. There are five HSRP member slots for each of the following years: January 2024 and 2026. There is no HSRP term starting on January 1, 2025. Each term is for four years. Current members are eligible to reapply for a second term. If reselected, current members can be renewed for one additional term of four years and the maximum a member can serve is 2 terms.

Nominations and Timing

The timing for the Call for Nominations solicitation closes in February of the prior year.

Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC)