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October 12, 2017

Hello Coast Survey,

Last week, many of us here in Coast Survey attended NOAA Industry Day 2017, held in conjunction with the Annapolis Boat Show. We organized this event to demonstrate the vast amount of NOAA data and models available to software developers, particularly those who design applications for recreational boaters. After the NOAA presentation session, attendees had the chance to talk with our scientists one-on-one to brainstorm ideas and ask questions. This event was a huge success and I would like to extend a big thank you to the presenters as well as the staff responsible for organizing the event, including Christy Fandel, Sam De Bow, and Erica Towle. It was a great reminder of the talent we have in Coast Survey and the incredible datasets we collect and maintain. I see an enormous amount of potential for forward-leaning public-private partnerships in our future.

I also want to acknowledge those involved in Coast Survey's response to Hurricane Nate, which hit Gulfport, MS, as a Category 1 storm over the past weekend. NRT2 and NRT4 were in Gulfport, Mississippi, and Pensacola, Florida, doing surveys, and I want to convey my thanks and appreciation for their quick deployment and around-the-clock work.

Rear Admiral Shepard M. Smith
Rear Admiral Shepard M. Smith

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