2025 HSRP meetings:
2025 Spring HSRP Public Meeting, March 4-6, 2025
2025 Fall HSRP Public Meeting


The next membership nomination period is for a start date of January 1, 2026. There is not a term for 2025. Nominations for 2026 are due no later than February 21, 2025. Terms are for a 4 year period. Nominations can be submitted at any time and will be considered for the next nomination period.

Please submit your nomination now and it will be kept on file in case of unexpected openings. Please submit an email with your contact information and a request if you would like to receive a reminder note for the nomination period, please send an email to

Please see below for more information on HSRP membership and the Call for Nominations process.

You can find more information on the nominations process and HSRP here:
Nomination information:

HSRP recommendations and issue papers:

HSRP working groups:

Current and past members and specialty areas:


Public comments are encouraged on the topics under the purview of the HSRP and those discussed at the meeting especially on the value of NOS products and to offer recommendations to improve NOAA's navigation data, services, and products. You can submit comments in advance via a letter or an email, onsite in person at the meetings for no more than 2 minutes (and not repeating other comments), or during the meeting in writing by using the webinar Chat or Question function at the public meeting. All comments related to the HSRP purview will be shared with the HSRP members and entered into the public record.
Please email your advance letter or comment to


The HSRP is a federal advisory committee that provides NOAA with independent advice on improving the quality, efficiency, and usefulness of NOAA's navigation-related products, data, and services. The HSRP advises the NOAA Administrator about its navigation (i.e. nautical charts and ENCs), physical oceanographic (i.e. tides & water levels), geospatial, positioning, and coastal and shoreline programs, products, and services. There are two public meetings each year in different port regions at which public comments from stakeholders and partners are sought. Most of the meetings include a webinar capability for those not in the area.


The HSRP Federal Advisory Committee public meetings focus on topics related to navigation services portfolio of the National Ocean Service. The meetings often include the following: updates from the three HSRP working groups (WG) including the Planning and Engagement WG, Technology WG, and Arctic Priorities WG; development and finalization of issue papers and recommendations to NOAA; comments and suggestions regarding white papers, regional, state and national priorities; and review and discussion of proposed priorities for the HSRP.
The National Ocean Service program offices - National Geodetic Service, the Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, the Office of Coast Survey, as well as the University of New Hampshire's Joint Hydrographic Center and Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping - provide updates related to navigation services.


The meeting materials are posted on the HSRP website in advance of the meeting including draft agendas, working papers, presentations, Federal Register Notice, and background materials. The agenda times and speakers are subject to change so please reference the most recent draft agenda online at:


While RSVPs are not required for the meetings, we'd appreciate knowing you will attend to plan for seating and webinar size.

To be added to the list for meeting announcements, please send an email with your request, name, organization and email to: and

HSRP Special Report 2007 cover
Ports, Waterways and the U.S. Marine Transportation System--The vital link to economic prosperity and American jobs.


In October 2003, Secretary of Commerce Don Evans established the Hydrographic Services Review Panel as directed by the Hydrographic Services Improvement Act of 2002, Public Law 107-372. The Panel is composed of a diverse field of experts in hydrographic surveying, vessel pilotage, port administration, tides and currents, coastal zone management, geodesy, recreational boating, marine transportation, and academia. Advice from this panel will assist in addressing NOAA’s strategic plan to improve the nation's marine transportation system and NOAA’s plans to support commerce with world-class products and services that will help ensure safe, efficient and environmentally sound marine transportation.

For further information please contact:

NOAA Hydrographic Services Review Panel
1315 East-West Highway
SSMC3, N/CS, room 6127
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Contact Information

For further information please contact:

NOAA Hydrographic Services Review Panel
1315 East-West Highway
SSMC3, N/CS, room 6127
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Revised: 10/16/2020