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December 16, 2020

Hi everyone,

What a year this has been. In a year with a global pandemic, as well as social justice issues at the forefront in our country, we have learned a lot as an organization. It has forced us to rethink how we operate and conduct our daily business. It has forced us to physically isolate while still fulfilling our mission. It has encouraged us to look introspectively about how we treat people, how we view the suffering of others, and how we act on this self knowledge. While at times it may have seemed like the fabric of our communities was unraveling, we witnessed many acts of compassion...in hospitals, on the street, among neighbors, and among colleagues.

Over the course of the last nine months, I heard from many of you about the shared concern for what is happening in the world around us. We offered the opportunity to have safe, open conversations about these concerns and what you are doing in response to critical national and local events. I feel that Coast Survey has improved on identifying inequality concerns within our organization and is working to address them head on.

We have also nearly perfected the art of telework, seeing increased production, and increased engagement with audiences reached through virtual meetings. The credit goes to you, your versatility, and willingness to pivot when needed.

I can safely say that it has been one of the most challenging years of my career as a leader here at Coast Survey but perhaps the most rewarding as well. I am looking forward to 2021 where we can translate our organizational values into the next phase and restore the spark of joy and power of trust to our workplace and community lives.

Rear Admiral Shepard M. Smith Director, Office of Coast Survey

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