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Regional Navigation Managers

Regional Navigation Manager Coverage

Navigation Manager Regions

Navigation Manager


NOAA's navigation managers, stationed strategically in port areas along U.S. coasts and Great Lakes, work directly with pilots, mariners, port authorities, and recreational boaters.

They help identify navigational challenges facing the marine transportation system, and provide the resources and services that promote safe and efficient navigation.

Contact your region's Navigation Manager if you...

Navigation Manager providing customer serviceNOAA Navigation Manager providing customer service to maritime community.
  • need expert navigation preparation and response information for severe weather or hurricane preparedness and post-storm response
  • know of a danger to navigation that should be charted
  • need experienced assistance in navigational project coordination
  • want NOAA at your Harbor Safety Committee meeting, or other maritime-related conference or workshop
  • require more information about NOAA's latest navigation technologies
  • are looking for objective information on hardware and software products for safe navigation and homeland security
  • have an idea for a new navigation product that would improve safety, efficiency, or value for the marine economy
  • need advice to resolve navigational problems
  • have a concern about a NOAA nautical chart or data