Coast Survey Monthly Newsletter

June 16, 2022

Office News

A long-time contractor (currently with Lynker), Jill Stoddard, has let us know that she will be moving on to a new position, effective COB, Friday, June 17, 2022. Jill served as the Executive Assistant to the Coast Survey Director for ~10 years, helping manage impossible schedules, tracking Coast Survey strategic planning actions, and being a GoToWebinar guru, amidst handling a myriad of other administrative tasks critical to keeping the front office running smoothly. Best of luck in your new job and we will miss you Jill!

Denise Gibson, also a Lynker contractor, recently joined the front office staff as Administrative Assistant. Denise will be managing travel for the front office and serving as the point of contact for scheduling my (Lorraine's) calendar, among other things. Also, until Jill's position is backfilled, Denise will be helping with scheduling for RDML Evans and coordinating for Controlled Correspondence. Next time you're in the office, please stop by and introduce yourself. Welcome Denise!

Tammie Herrin, was selected for Coast Survey's business manager detail; therefore, will continue her acting role for the next 120 days. Congrats Tammie and thank you for your steady, expert leadership on all things Coast Survey business!

MCD welcomed LCDR Michael Doig aboard as the new chief of Production Branch G, Western Gulf of Mexico. Michael will be overlapping with CDR William Winner for a few weeks for handover. LCDR Doig is reporting to MCD after being aboard NOAA Ship Ferdinand Hassler as Executive Officer. Some of LCDR Doig’s Career highlights include deploying to the U.S. Virgin Islands for the Hurricane Irma and Maria ESF-10 response, sailing through the Panama Canal aboard NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown, conducting marine mammal surveys aboard NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter, diving to protect endangered Acropora corals prior to dredging in the Port of Miami, and conducting trawling operations aboard NOAA Ship Pisces for the Natural Resource Damage Assessment following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

  • Peter Holmberg acting Deputy Chief HSD
  • Clinton Marcus acting PHB Hydrographic Team Lead
  • Matthew Wilson acting AHB Streamlining Team Lead
  • Michael Stephens acting Ops KR Team Lead
  • Tyanne Faulkes acting External Source Data Team Lead